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What UK HGV operators need to do to carry out international road haulage after Brexit

Updated: Feb 3, 2020

The Department for Transport, Driver and Vehicle Licensing Agency, Traffic Commissioners for Great Britain, and Driver and Vehicle Standards Agency have issued new guidance for UK goods vehicles operators advising what they need to do to continue to carry out international road haulage if there is a no-brexit deal.

The UK left the EU on 31 January and the guidance tells you how to prepare for Brexit. It will be updated if anything changes, including if a deal is agreed. You can Sign up for email alerts to get the latest information.

The guidance includes the information detailed below which includes a dedicated section covering what drivers need to do. You can see the full list below and click on each topic to be taken directly to the page.

We recommend that you sign up for email alerts so you are fully aware of the developing situation. Remember non compliance costs and saying 'I didn't know' won't cut it. Please arm yourself with the knowledge you need and read the guide.

Are you ready for brexit? make sure you are fully compliant with legislation at all times by undertaking regular refresher training and keep up to date by joining our mailing list. CLICK HERE to subscribe.

Source: GOV.UK


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