If you are driving to the Port Dover or Eurotunnel get a COVID test before arriving in Kent.
Test sites are open 7 days a week, including weekends, and a negative result is valid for 72 hours for entry to France. If you arrive in Kent without a negative COVID test you risk delays.
Get a test before or at the start of your journey, you’ll have plenty of time.
Please bear in mind:
39 Information and Advice sites across the country offer free testing – head to the one closest to you
sites are open 7 days a week with the majority offering testing between 6am-9.30pm
75% of all COVID testing sites can process tests within an hour
sites near Kent are busy and you may experience delays - you shouldn't wait to reach Kent to get tested
Get a Kent Access Permit
Any driver heading to the EU via Kent must also have a valid Kent Access Permit (KAP). Each permit is valid for 24 hours.
ECMT Permits are available for February cross-trade
You can use your UK Licence for the Community to carry out 2 cross-trade jobs (moving goods between 2 countries) in the EU, but you need an ECMT permit if you want to carry out a third cross-trade job.
ECMT permits are also needed to transport goods to, through or from Armenia, Azerbaijan or Bosnia and Herzegovina.
To apply for a short-term (30-day) permit for February, email shorttermecmt@dvsa.gov.uk