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Online Transport Manager gets the recognition its deserves, from the House of Commons


The staff in the NTP office are celebrating today after receiving a letter from the House of Commons congratulating them on the success of their online Transport Manager CPC course.

The Rt Hon John Hayes CBE MP sent his personal congratulations stating that the team deserve to be extremely proud and we are. We worked hard to develop a course that offered more than any other available in the UK, we wanted to help people pass and we've done it!

Our results speak for themselves with an 100% pass rate on multiple choice and an 80% pass rate for case studies but to be recognised and have our achievements congratulated with a personal letter just makes us beam with pride.

Congratulations to all our students and to all our team. Our efforts paid off, the sleepless nights, stressful days and constant worry are all worth it, we've done it and we'll continue to work hard to develop the course, to make it the best it can be.

The wonderful testimonials we receive from our customers keep us going and from the bottom of our hearts we thank you.

Thank you, truly thank you!

The whole team at NTP :)

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