As a training provider ourselves we know how difficult it can be for operators to choose the right provider to deliver your staff DCPC training.
You want to make sure your drivers actually learn something, enjoy the training and make sure you’re getting the best value for money. We know it can be a complete pain trying to find the most suitable provider to do this for you, so how about eliminating the problem all together and delivering driver CPC training in house!
It could save you money and puts you in full control of your training. How? Please read on……
Training providers on average charge between £60-£80 per driver, per course for driver CPC, exclusive of VAT. This means based on £60, that it costs an employer £300 per driver to complete the required 35 hours. Based on £80 that’s £400 per driver! Ouch!!!!
Now before I tell you how you can save money and deliver driver CPC training in house I want you to see the table below. The table shows you the savings you could make per year by running training in house.
This table is based on undertaking 7 hours training per driver per year so you can imagine how substantial the savings would be if the table showed the full 35 hours as required.
As you can see the savings can be huge! So how can you make this happen?
It’s very simple; those savings can be made by joining our consortium and delivering your training in house.
Consortium membership allows you to become an approved centre to deliver driver CPC periodic training without the pain of gaining JAUPT approval and designing and registering courses.
As you can see the savings are great and, in addition to those savings you can create another revenue steam for your business. Not only can you deliver training to your own staff you can also advertise (and we will on your behalf if you would like us to) your driver CPC training services to the general public.
It costs £585 per year to be a consortium member, this fee is payable on a yearly basis. Joining our consortium means you become an approved centre to deliver driver CPC.
When you run a driver CPC course we charge you a fee of £15 per driver and nothing else*. We do 90% (if not more) of your administration and send you the certificates to distribute out to your staff or customers. We give you everything you need to run the courses including all the training materials and paperwork and give you complete support to ensure you are fully compliant with JAUPT.
We’re different to most consortium's because were not just an admin service, we like to build close working relationships with our members and offer them continuous support and guidance. You can read the full benefits of our consortium membership online here.
So you’ve read this and don’t have your own trainer already or don’t want to employ a trainer, we have that covered too. We can provide you with a trainer for a fee.
Consortium membership works best for those companies with 20 drivers or more due to the savings that can be made and the logistic solution it provides by controlling the training in-house
Companies with less than 20 driver’s benefit more from utilising a training provider to deliver their driver CPC training and the good news is we can help you with this as well. Find out more about our driver CPC training online here.
I’ve given away the industry secrets and I’m sure other providers would love to shut me up but I’m shouting it loud and proud. If you believe your company is capable and suitable to deliver their own in-house driver CPC training, and has 20 drivers or more then our consortium membership is defiantly for you!
A word of warning though, if this article has wet your appetite for consortium membership then be careful when shopping around if you don’t intend to use ours. I can’t promise that you’ll make the same savings, receive the same service or the quality courses from other consortium providers as you would from us.
Want to discuss this further? Get in touch with us and we’ll be happy to help.