So this morning before setting on you should have given your horn a little honk, why? Because it’s part of the daily walks around checks that should be completed before you set off every day.
Walk around checks are essential and shouldn’t be dismissed as a waste of time. Doing a simple morning walk around could stop you getting a prohibition should you get stopped for a roadside check. It could be the difference between getting or avoiding a fine and penalty points and for the 10-20 minutes it takes why wouldn’t you ensure your vehicle was safe and in full working order? It’s just makes sense to do, to protect yourself and others.
So what should you be checking…..
In-Cab Checks
1 Good visibility for driver through cab windows and mirrors. All required mirrors fi tted and adjusted correctly.
2 Driving controls, seat and driver safety belt adjusted correctly.
3 Windscreen washer, wipers, demister and horn operating correctly.
4 Tachograph calibrated with correct hours. Speed limiter plaque displayed.
5 All instruments, gauges and other warning devices operating correctly (including ABS/EBS in-cab warning lights).
6 No air leaks or pressure drop.
External Vehicle Checks
7 Vehicle sitting square and not leaning to one side.
8 Tax, insurance and transport discs (if applicable) present and valid. Number plates clearly visible.
9 Wheels in good condition and secure. Tyres undamaged with correct infl ation and tread depth.
10 All lights, refl ectors and markings fi tted, clean and in good condition.
11 Exhaust secure with no excess noise or smoke.
12 Air & electrical suzies and connectors fi tted correctly (inc. ABS / EBS cable).
13 Vehicle access, steps, catwalk or drawbar coupling in good condition.
14 Vehicle body / wings / guards, side and rear / curtains and straps / doors / tail lift in good condition.
15 Fifth wheel located and locked correctly, landing legs and handle in correct position.
16 Trailer park brake operating correctly.
17 Air suspension correctly set.
18 Engine oil, water, windscreen washer reservoir and fuel levels checked and no leaks.
Prior to Leaving Depot
19 Steering and brakes operating correctly.
20 Loads secured and weight distributed correctly. On-the-Road
21 Tachograph, speedometer and speed limiter operating correctly.
22 ABS/EBS warning lights off .
So there you are, just 22 little things to check before you set off each day. To make it even easier for you we’ve added an image showing you exactly where to check.
It’s your responsibility to ensure your vehicle is roadworthy and for what it takes please just do it, every day, without fail, no excuses!